ID Property (InfoStore Object) 

The ID property returns the unique identifier of this InfoStore object as a string. Read-only.



Data Type



MAPI systems assign a permanent, unique identifier string when an object is created. These identifiers do not change from one MAPI session to another. The InfoStore identifier can be used in subsequent calls to the Session object s GetInfoStore method.

The ID property corresponds to the MAPI property PR_ENTRYID, converted to a string of hexadecimal characters.


Dim strInfoStoreID as String  ' hex string version of ID

Dim objInfoStore as Object    ' assume valid

    strInfoStoreID = objInfoStore.Id   ' global variable

    MsgBox "InfoStore ID = " & strInfoStoreID

'...this ID can be used as the parameter to the Session method

    Set objInfoStore = objSession.GetInfoStore(strInfoStoreID)


See Also

InfoStores CollectionX9N77_